Townhouse and Unit Developments

We delight and build property development projects for our clients

Quality homes, backyard dwellings, dual occupancies, townhouse and small unit developments, over the years we’ve built hundreds of dwellings of all types for developers, investors and owner-occupiers.

As a result we’ve become very experienced at project managing property developments from start to finish in a timely manner.

Perhaps you’re wondering what you can do with the site you currently live on, or you have a site you wish to develop, or you’d like us to help you source a suitable development site. You may have a development project almost ready to commence and are looking for the right builder.

We can build to your existing plans and specifications, customise one of our designs to suit your site or work with you to generate a completely new unique design.

At MODO we understand all the requirements and processes necessary, plus we have long established business relationships with many of the necessary professionals and service providers. Our team possess extensive experience in the design and building, statutory and building regulations and town planning process. We manage every step of the project and keep you the project and keep you informed along the way.


03 9776 3332
1300 00 66 36

1st Floor, 56 Norman Ave
Frankston South VIC 3199
(enter at rear)

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