
Home Share is new and exciting. One single dwelling with a second dwelling attached or detached, allowing a second income on your own land

  • Modo has now developed a home that everyone can afford. They’re called HomeShare designs and are suitable for a whole variety of people from;
  • a young couple looking for a first home they can afford that grows with their needs,
  • a retired couple that want to downsize and would like a little extra to live off each week to supplement their pension or,
  • the small investor who is seeking a dual income from one positively geared and affordable property.

A very clever home designed for everybody!

Change Homeshare layout to suit your changing needs

Homeshare designs

03 9776 3332
1300 00 66 36

1st Floor, 56 Norman Ave
Frankston South VIC 3199
(enter at rear)

Send your enquiries